
Jack Ackerson is Fifth Local Boy to Reach France

The Evening Record
July 25th, 1917

This article tells of the five known Hackensack boys in France, Jack Ackerson, William Pince, G. Charles Stone, Edwin H. Lutkins, and Arthur Coffey. The Morgan Yacht was being used as a dispatch boat.

Written by:
Bob Meli


Jack Ackerson is Fifth Local Boy to Reach France

Jack Ackerson is in France, confirming a statement in the Evening Record a short time ago to that effect. Letters to his home state that his ship made a French port on July the fifth. The name of the port was, of course, not stated. He writes that he is well, and is happy as possible away from home and country. His view of the outcome and duration of the war, gathered from different sources, is most optimistic.

Other Hackensack boys in France are Wm. H. Pince, who is with the U.S. Marines: G. Charles Stone and Edwin H. Lutkins, with the Mackay-Roosevelt Red Cross, U.S. Medical Unit, and Arthur Coffey in the Naval Reserve.